Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Week 2 Readings/Notes

Computer Hardware

I was already aware of the difference between hardware and software and that software can change many times, whereas your hardware stays the same. It was a good refresher though. I am assuming that this will be the topic of discussion for Tuesday class.

Moore's Law

I found it absolutely fascinating what people knew about computers in the 60's. Although Moore's Law was a prediction about hardware, it was right. I am glad we were able to watch the video for dummies, because it helped me understand what I was reading. To think, the more something improved, the less money it became, is a hard to grasp. I am wondering why?

Computer History Museum

This was a really interesting website. I was looking through the history of the internet, which I watched a video on in a web design class in my prior master's, and I thought it was cool that Pitt/Carnegie Mellon was part of the process.

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